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Chapter 23
Jungkook's POV
Something changed the day of our visit to Maya at the hospital. Maybe it was the fact that I let her see a side of mine only a few people knew, who were close to me. My dad and Nitara, these two were my only people.ย
I didn't know what happened, or what pushed me to open up to y/n about my past, about my traumas, I hadn't even told her everything yet I felt her concern, her comfort was my salvation.ย
And for that, I was ready to be an open book to her, for her to just go through me, through my wounds and heal me with her ethereal smile and soft touches.ย
I knew I had lost it. I had become a prisoner of her charms. Bounded in a maze of her beauty, caged by her soul and intoxicated by her fragrance. I know I'm not me anymore. I have become someone I didn't even know existed in me.ย
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